6 Tips on Professionally Reaching New Heights in 2020

  • Jan 15, 2020

Can you believe 2020 is here? We can’t either! With the new decade beginning, it’s important to take baby steps that will eventually help you reach your professional goals this year. Whether you hope to become a team leader or get that promotion finally, 2020 is the year for you to accomplish even more.  

Incorporating positive habits into your workweek is the perfect way to grow professionally and get recognized by your supervisor. Here are 6 tips on what you can do to professionally reach new heights in 2020. 


Focus on strengths, not weaknesses.

You were hired for a reason, so take advantage of your strengths. Focus on honing your skills rather than taking on a task that isn’t in your wheelhouse. If you work with a team, lean on them for tasks that may be out of your comfort zone, this will only give you more time to showcase your talents. 


Don’t Dwell 

What you do after 5 pm sets the tone for your next day in the office. If you had a bad day at work, try not to bring those emotions home with you. Your time at home is meant for you to unwind and relax. Have that glass of wine. Go for a long walk. If you are consumed by the mistakes you made at work that day, it’ll only increase your stress levels and cause you to carry that negative mood into the office the very next day.  


Follow Up on Your Work 

When you turn in a project, do you follow up with your supervisor a week later to see if it’s working? Especially if you are in sales, advertising, or marketing, it’s so easy to finish up a project and move on to the next one. However, are the strategies and concepts you implemented into the project driving sales? Generating leads? Following up with your supervisor is imperative to grow professionally and understand what is working and what is not working. 


Curate a Vision Board 

Remember when you made collages in elementary school? This is similar! Throughout the next few weeks, start to collect different articles, images, or anything else that inspires you! Once a month, open up your vision board (saved on your desktop) and see what you can be doing to make those visions a reality. 


Learn About the Other Areas of Your Company

One of the best ways to learn more about how your company operates is shadowing employees in other departments. If you have a slow week, ask your supervisor if you can observe a team member in a separate branch of the business. Not only will you show eagerness to learn about the entire business as a whole, but understanding the ins and outs of how the company operates will only benefit your performance within your own department.  


Ask for Help 

Sometimes asking for help is the smartest move you can make. In areas that you are unsure of, there’s always another employee that can answer your questions. If you are assigned a large task on top of a mound of other projects you’re working on, splitting up the task with another team member will help you complete everything on time (and stay sane while doing it). 


By following these 6 tips and turning them into weekly habits, you’ll approach your job differently, have a more positive mindset, and fuel your success in 2020. 

